📄️ 1. Notations
Let's begin from the very scratch. We will start by understanding the notations and conventions used in quantum computing. This will help us in understanding the rest of the concepts easily.
📄️ 2. Qubits
Qubit aka Quantum Bit (The Quantum Bits that Think Outside the Binary Box)
📄️ 3. Quantum Superposition
Remember flipping a coin? Heads or tails, a clear answer. Now imagine flipping a quantum coin, a qubit, that lands on both heads and tails simultaneously. That's the mind-bending concept of quantum superposition, the foundation of quantum machine learning (QML). Let's delve into the science and math behind this phenomenon, exciting any curious college student like yourself!
📄️ 4. Quantum Entanglement
Buckle up, because now we're diving into entanglement, where things get even weirder and more wonderful. This spooky phenomenon, where qubits become mysteriously linked no matter the distance, is another cornerstone of quantum machine learning (QML). Let's unravel the magic behind this quantum entanglement, a concept that even Einstein called "spooky action at a distance."
📄️ 5. Bloch Sphere
Imagine a globe representing the Earth. On this globe, any point you choose can represent a specific location. Similarly, the Bloch sphere is a 3D unit sphere used to visualize the state of a single qubit in quantum mechanics. Just like points on the globe, points on the Bloch sphere represent different possibilities for the qubit's state, but instead of locations, they represent the probabilities of being 0 or 1.
📄️ 6. State vs Phase of Qubit
State of the qubit and phase of the qubit are two different concepts. Let's understand them one by one.